ARGO IS is a modern and efficient Investigative Institute, characterized by competence, dedication and continuous pursuit of excellence in carrying out the activity and in the investigation of the truth.

Our detective agency is in possession of the licenses, issued by the Prefecture, to operate throughout the country in the investigation activities in the Private, Corporate, Defensive, Insurance and Commercial Information fields.

The Security Division also assists our clients in the management of critical issues arising from exogenous events of a criminal nature.

Business Investigations

ARGO IS provides companies with its investigative services in the corporate field, aimed at protecting assets and assets, as well as seeking evidence to be supported in court.

Private Investigations

ARGO IS operates with the support of Law Firms, in carrying out investigation activities, aimed at seeking information requested by private citizens, for the protection of a right to be asserted in court and which may concern the family, matrimonial, patrimonial sphere, the protection of minors and the search for missing persons.   

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Insurance Investigations

ARGO IS offers qualified professional services and solutions in the insurance anti-fraud sector. Investigations at the Authorities, identification and tracing of persons informed about the facts, investigations, inspections, examinations, appraisals on the various cases of accidents (fires, road accidents, accidents at work, etc.), through the use of specially trained and prepared personnel, with the help of professionals in the insurance sector.

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Commercial Information

Through economic and financial investigations useful for establishing patrimonial resources and verifying the reliability of companies and people, ARGO IS deals with the retrieval and verification of information that can be produced in court on Companies, Entities and Individuals both in Italy and abroad.    

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Digital Forensics

With the help of a team of experts, we offer companies, law firms and individuals a computer investigation service aimed at finding and retrieving evidence to be asserted in court.

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Security Division

In an era characterized by the internationalization of companies, globalism and the intensification of atypical risks of a criminal nature, ARGO IS is a fundamental strategic ally for Companies, Individuals and Public Administrations.

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Indagini difensive

ARGO IS operates at the service of law firms, for the search for information and evidence to be asserted in court, to protect the interests of the client.

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L'Investigatore Privato

Un Investigatore Privato è una persona fisica alla quale è stata concessa una Licenza di Polizia, da parte della Prefettura ove il soggetto ha stabilito la sede operativa, per svolgere attività  di Investigazione Privata.

I requisiti per poter diventare Investigatore Privato, previsti dal DM 269/2010 e dall'art. 134 e successivi del TULPS, sono molto stringenti:

  • essere in possesso della laurea in Scienze delle Investigazioni o equipollenti;
  • aver svolto per almeno un triennio attività operativa presso un Investigatore Privato o in alternativa aver prestato servizio in seno a reparti investigativi delle Forze di polizia, per un periodo non inferiore a cinque anni;
  • aver conseguito un attestato relativo a un corso Universitario di specializzazione in Investigazioni Private e Informazioni Commerciali;
  • non aver conseguito condanne per reati non colposi;
  • dimostrare idonea capacità economico-finanziaria e organizzativa.

L'attività di Investigatore Privato può essere condotta nella forma della ditta individuale o nella forma più strutturata della società di persone o capitali.

ARGO IS è una società di capitali strutturata e operante attraverso personale dipendente, regolarmente assunto e segnalato per gli incarichi investigativi elementari (C.I.I.E.) alla Prefettura, Ente di competenza che ha rilasciato i titoli autorizzativi.

La nostra agenzia investigativa è in possesso delle Licenze di Investigazione Privata rilasciate dalla Prefettura, per svolgere:

Il territorio principale d'azione del nostro Istituto è il nord Italia, anche se il nostro operato si estende a tutto il territorio nazionale.




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